How To Get On All-Expenses-Paid Press Trips
It’s that gold ring that aspiring travel writers strive for and established travel writers continue to grab: the press trip. All expenses paid, complimentary multi-course meals, invitations to wine tastings, free nights in resorts in exotic locations, tickets to exciting adventures and tours, passes to cultural events, the whole shebang all wrapped up in one…
Turning your stock photography goals into action
Last week, I shared my personal top three goals for 2016. This week, it’s your turn. Looking through our Breakfast Stock Club reader survey responses and reading your goals on Facebook truly inspires me. Most responses revolved around the ideas of MORE and IMPROVING. Taking more photos, taking better photos, uploading more images, joining more stock agencies, improving…
A Successful Travel Blog Can Boost Your Writing Career
What would you do if a major daily newspaper travel editor called you out of the blue one day to offer you a job as a travel writer? Well, that’s what can happen when you build a successful travel blog. Four travel columnists for The Denver Post know exactly how it feels to get that…
How To Land FAM Trips From Your Travel Blog
As I watch the snowflakes coming down outside the window of my cozy home office, I’m reminded of how my travel-blogging career is much like a snowball. You see, the more I write about trips I take, the more momentum I gain in sponsored trips (or FAM trips), social media following, and readership. Here’s an…
5 Ways To Make Money By Blogging
In the past, I’ve worked as a journalist and press officer—as well as being a qualified personal trainer and fitness instructor. Combining my media skills with my love of fitness and nutrition, I started my own blog, Sweat Like A Pig, four years ago. Never did I imagine that, four years on, the income from…
Writing A Travel Blog Offers Freedom And Flexibility
Coming in from clearing the snow off the driveway for the umpteenth time last winter, my husband, face red and numb from the cold, announced “We’re going somewhere warm next year. No more Midwest winters.” Now I don’t usually take too kindly to being told what to do, but this was one time I couldn’t…
3 Tips For Taking Aerial Photos
To all the lucky people who received drones for Christmas, I have two confessions: 1) Yes, I am oh so jealous; and 2) It’s ok, because there’s still nothing that beats the thrill of photographing from a helicopter. One of my favorite aerial photos is among my favorites not because of what it earned… but…
Turn Your Images Into Metal Photo Prints
I’ve always been a shutterbug with a camera for as long as I can remember. So much so that I annoyed my friends whenever we’d go out. To them, I was ruining the mood. To me, I was taking memories. Many years later, I’m working on making my photography my hobby and career (which makes…
It’s Fun To Take And Sell Stock Photos
When you start to take and sell stock photos, it’s fun to think about who might be interested in your image and why. What will they use it for? It’s cool trying to imagine where a single shot might end up. I have an old, weathered porch where I live. Its gray paint is peeling, the nails are…
$500 Images: Sell Your Photos For Extra Income
Yesterday I challenged you to take one photo every day for the next 21 days. And as a dangling carrot to help you build a habit of getting your camera out every day, I brought back our $1,000 Photo Challenge. Of course, I’d love it if you learned to take better pictures this week because…
Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel!
Imagine yourself on the trip of your dreams: a palm-ringed island, the beauty and the history of Paris, the intoxicating allure of the Napa Valley. Now imagine that with only a pen, a camera and a little curiosity, all of these incredible travel destinations are within your reach.
Sign up today for our free newsletter, The Right Way to Travel, and you’ll learn how to get the most out of every trip – and how to get paid to do it.
Simply enter your name and email address in the form below and you’ll receive your first issue, along with our Three Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel quick-start guide, absolutely free. Inside, you’ll find 3 exciting opportunities for earning extra income while exploring cities around the globe. It’s your first step to a life of fun and freedom.
Fill out the form today and you’ll be one step closer to a new part- or full-time income that can help you realize your travel dreams. And don’t worry – we will never rent, sell or give away your email address for any reason. We’ll see you out there!