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Top Tips For Entering Photo Contests

What a great way to start the week!! I spent the day yesterday combing through all the photo contest entries we got last month for our $1,000 Photo Challenge. What amazing talent we have in this community.   If you entered the contest last month – congratulations! Taking action is the first step. Hopefully you built…

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How To Achieve Success At Anything In Life

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”  It was Walt Disney who first said that. And who could argue with it? Walt Disney dreamed bigger than most, and accomplished more. Sometimes we look at these super successful people with envy, but often, they’re just like you and me.  Disney was once fired from…

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Stock photography success stories

Awhile back, I asked readers to share their experiences with stock photography in our annual Breakfast Stock Club survey. Since then, so many readers have shared their accomplishments with me. I find it inspiring, so I thought you might, too.    When you’re plugging away at big goals, it’s helpful to take a little break…

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Dining Like Royalty at The King and Prince

Chef Flack has spent most of his life in these islands and his pride and passion for creating magnificent coastal cuisine is evident in his many offerings. With a smile on his face, he loves coming to diners’ tables to answer questions or make suggestions about entree choices and preparation selections.

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