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Photo Tip: Brighten Up

You’ll remember we covered how your camera reads light and interprets what it sees to achieve “middle gray” and proper exposure. You can find that article in our archives, here. Most of the time your camera is fairly accurate.  But what happens if you have a once-in-a-lifetime shot that’s underexposed?  Is there a way to…

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May’s Photo Challenge Theme: Game On!

May is officially Physical Fitness Month.  Which means that the education world (at least here in the U.S.) celebrates national physical fitness and sport. With this and the upcoming controversial Summer Olympics in Beijing taking top slots in the news these days, I thought we could turn our creative attention to sport — hence this…

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FEATURED PUBLICATION: Washingtonian Magazine

Washingtonian Magazine’s no-nonsense, no-fluff style wins over the hearts of 150,000 highly educated, well-paid readers each month. It’s been around since 1965, and ever under the same editor, Jack Limpert. Through over 40 years of publication, the magazine brings Washington-area residents and visitors meaty articles about art, culture, food and dining, travel, news, politics, jobs,…

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Hotel Monaco, Denver

Here’s the wine cellar at Denver’s Hotel Monaco. We’re going to have our Food Writing Workshop here, in the hotel where one of the best chefs of Denver works. And you bet we’ll be testing the food and wine. You know, for inspiration. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and…

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Going Wild in Costa Rica

by Susann DobsonShe won’t hurt you … she’s just very friendly, especially with children. The awaiting guide alerted us as we strode up from the beach and an adult squirrel monkey leapt into my daughter’s arms, startling us all.We’d just spent an exhilarating hour coursing across the Golfo Dulce, seated in a covered panga (water taxi).…

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