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Islands in the Desert: Solitude, Stillness, and Starry Nights

by Tracy CheneySurrounded by immense swaths of stark desert, three “island” environments rise into the sky above the searing lands of the southern continental U.S., each offering refuge to unique species of plants and animals. Far-sighted efforts have preserved these “islands” as national parks to protect the unique ecosystems evolved in isolation over eons. Each…

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The Scenic Seven

by Elaine Strom“Scenic 7,” the hushed pathway that twists and turns north and south through the Ouachita National Forest of the Ozark Mountains, is the breathtaking byway of central Arkansas.A misty morning drive along the byway at daybreak, dipping through hollows and rising to ridges, culminates in a scenic view of the Ozark Canyon in…

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Photo Tip: Selling Photos to Magazines, Step One

No matter where you’re submitting your images, it’s critically important to read and follow the guidelines. Any place that accepts photo submissions — whether it’s a newspaper, magazine, gallery, stock site, or contest — will have some specific requirements and you’ll get published more (and make more money for your photos) if you follow them…

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Photo Tip: Using Perspective to Create Humor

This month’s photo challenge theme Laughable Photographable has brought in a lot of funny pictures. Several of them, I noticed, have one thing in common.  And that one thing is actually the element that makes the photograph funny. It’s the photographer’s unusual perspective. What I mean by “perspective” is the photographer’s vantage point… or where…

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