Posted by & filed under Volume 10, Issue #11 - December 2017.

By Amy Geurin Envision yourself walking through a vibrant, charming courtyard, the smell of buttery croissants and blueberry lavender compote attacking your senses. Following the scent, you come to a modest space where diners are smiling, at ease, and obviously satisfied. The shade on the patio tables provided by lush green trees and oversized red canopies gives the area a relaxed ambience and enough seclusion to make the seating feel exclusive. This is exactly what you will find at Bistro Vend me, situated in Denver’s bustling Larimer Square, located between 14th and 15th Streets on Larimer. I’m a brunch person. Brunch is the perfect blend of comfort, happiness, and hangover cure. If you’re looking for a way to ease into the day while simultaneously rewarding yourself for making it through the day before, look no further. Walking through the breezeway of the historic Sussex Building in Larimer Square, the smell of Bistro Vend me’s intense and smoky French pressed coffee mixed with the sweetness of freshly made Pain Perdu draws you to the simple arch leading to Bistro Vend me’s entrance. When seated at a corner table on the far end of Vend me’s cozy patio, the sight of Beignets de Brioche (brioche doughnuts with caramel sauce) will make your mouth water. Vend me’s brunch menu is just the right size, featuring French bistro fare highlighting Colorado’s seasonal, local ingredients. After much debate, I settled on the quiche of the day made with local tomatoes and a glass of 2015 Romuald Petit Bourgogne Blanc. Don’t get me wrong. The Duvet de Peche (made with citrus vodka, orange juice, and lemon) and the blood orange mimosas looked heavenly, but the light and crisp wine was calling my name. When the plate arrived, I was instantly struck with how fresh and bright the food was. The perfect texture of the quiche, the flawless consistency of the flaky crust, and the way the bitterness of the champagne vinaigrette that dressed the green side salad cut through the richness of the entrée made it apparent the plate was constructed with the diner in mind. Every experience at Bistro Vend me will surpass even the highest of brunch expectations. The service, the decor, the environment, and the food are all spot on. The feeling of walking on air with a happy stomach and a smile on my face was unexpected when departing. And with more than 1,200 parking spots and independent boutiques as far as the eye can see, a return visit to Bistro Vend me is certain. All in all, Bistro Vend me’s brunch will just make your Saturday a better day. What more could anyone ask for in a perfect brunch? Bistro Vend me 1420 Larimer Street Denver, Colorado 80202 303-825-3232 If you would like to purchase this article for your publication, please click here to contact the author directly.