Posted by & filed under Volume #1, Issue #10 - October 2007.

by Debi Lander

The only way to eliminate lost luggage is to personally carry everything on board.  Since that’s not always possible, especially with the liquid and gel restriction, the following tips may help:

1. Know the three letter airport code denoting your destination and verify that your suitcases are tagged correctly, before you leave them. 

2. For international travel, purchase retriever luggage tags.   These tags invite baggage agents (in eight languages) to remove the itinerary you’ve placed inside, and forward your bag to you, while you’re still en route.

3. Whenever possible, take nonstop flights.  Short layovers and flights involving multiple airlines increase mishandling opportunities.

4. Make a list of contents or take a photo of your bag.

5. Carry receipts with you as proof of purchase for items acquired during a trip.

6. Never pack anything irreplaceable in your checked belongings.

7. Always bring a change of clothing in your carry-on.  Toiletries are easy to replace, but clothing is more difficult.  


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