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Before I introduced our first speaker in Panama on Day One of our How to Make a Six-Figure Income as a Traveler Workshop, I gave our attendees a quick breakdown of the four tools we were about to cover — travel writing, photography, import/export, and tours. And I gave them a quick run-down of the math — how much you can expect to make in each of these fields and how much to charge if the magazine, newspaper or photo buyer doesn’t have standard rates. If you’d like to listen in, I posted it here: They’re unedited and uncut, so you’ll notice that sometimes the recording starts early or runs late with chatter from all the attendees in the room. But the information is all there. And, the $8,000 Challenge still stands — the first two readers to take what they learn on the recordings, and earn over $8,000 in a single month, will get an extra $1,000 from me. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]

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Travel Writing Resources

How To Become A Travel Writer – The Easy Way

Easy Steps To Landing Your First Byline As A Travel Writer

Marketing For Travel Writers: 5 Ways To Get Started

22 Travel Story Ideas To Get You Published

10 Reasons To Become A Travel Writer

5 Tips to Get Started Travel Writing From Home

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