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“If there’s some synergy in your own interests and what we’re doing at International Living, you’re the best kind of writer for us.”  – Jen Stevens

Host Jody Mayberry has Jen Stevens back on the show to talk more about what she does specifically as the Executive Editor for International Living magazine. (You can listen to last week’s episode with her here.)

Jen explains the philosophy of International Living…

“We believe our mission is to find opportunities around the world and help our readers take advantage of those opportunities. We strive to show our readhttpers how to retire internationally, invest internationally and to become citizens of world.”

The International Living team fundamentally believes the world is full of opportunity and you don’t have to be wealthy or well-connected to take advantage of those opportunities.

“Every month we bring our readers information that is worth their while.”

International Living has regular contributors living around the world who keep an ear to the ground to keep up with what’s happening in places like Colombia, Malaysia, Mexico and more.

But, they also use freelance writers.

Listen in as Jen reveals what types of stories they accept from freelancers.

She also shares what she wishes new writers would do better, what traits her favorite writers have in common and more.

Listening to Jen will inspire you! For more information on becoming a travel writer go to:

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How To Become A Travel Writer – The Easy Way

Easy Steps To Landing Your First Byline As A Travel Writer

Marketing For Travel Writers: 5 Ways To Get Started

22 Travel Story Ideas To Get You Published

10 Reasons To Become A Travel Writer

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