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Yesterday’s issue was packed with gift ideas for writers and travelers. If you missed it, you’ll find it here.  And, go here for our gift list for photographers.

Today, here’s a bit of gift inspiration from our personal wish-lists here in the Great Escape Publishing…

**From Marketing Assistant, Audrey Hartland

1. A new luggage set – I’ve had my current luggage set since high school. It’s been great luggage over the years, and it got me through my Semester at Sea, exploring Africa and Asia, but I would really like something sturdier. Lori just got a new set and she loves it.  It’s the Eagle Creek Tarmac series.

2. My dream gift is an iPad – I could keep all my photos there, and it would be incredible to travel with (so light!). I’m always amazed at how easily they fit in purses, backpacks, etc. Plus there are endless possibilities for applications. I recently came across a photo cookbook application. It basically guides you through the cooking process with pictures and instructions.  I love to cook! I hope to get the chance to study abroad at a culinary school one day.

**From Product Manager, Christina Merchant

1. Android phone – I’m always very jealous of Bonnie’s Droid phone when I see the amazing photos she gets with it. She has a couple different photo apps that immediately process your photos, giving you awesome, artistic shots. I feel like I’m the last person I know without a smart phone! I’m definitely ready to upgrade. I’ll be so excited to have instant access to Internet and e-mails whenever I’m traveling.

2.  A poster-sized world map – I always see ads in Sky Mall Magazine for a giant wall-sized world map. I think it would be fun to put this up in my house and have my roommates and I mark all the places we’ve been…and all the places we want to visit. I’d also love to find an old antique map of my neighborhood in D.C. to hang in my room. I bought an aerial map of Paris at an antique mall a few years ago and I’ve been  looking for one just like it ever since.  It’s one of my favorite pieces of art that I own.

**From Marketing Manager Jackie Gray:

1. Magnetic lens for my camera phoneShelly and Bonnie are having so much fun taking pictures with their camera phones and editing them with Droid and iPhone apps.  But my phone can’t handle photo processing software, so I like the idea behind these magnetic lenses that attach to your camera phone.  You can switch between a wide-angle lens, fish-eye, or macro. And get as creative as you want.  Finally something for those of us without an iPhone.

2. iTunes Gift Card – Each day I spend a fair amount of time commuting to and from work. I’d love to get some audiobooks that I can download and listen to on my iPod during my drive. There’s a couple on the NYT Bestseller list that I’d like to listen to including “Sarah’s Key” and “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” I’ve heard really good things about both of these books. I could also use the gift card to purchase some new music—morning radio never plays music!

**From Editorial Manager, Bonnie Caton:

1. New down slippers to keep my toes warm as I write and process photos at the computer in my pajamas. I spend a lot of time on my computer these days, so I love being comfortable and warm. This pair looks really cozy—and it comes in lots of colors, too.

2. Everything else on my list this year is camera stuff (go figure!). I’d love a new 24-70mm 2.8 lens. Unfortunately, the Nikon brand lens is a little pricey at around $1,700.  But hey, this is a wish-list, after all. I’d also like a 60mm macro lens. Those are closer to $500 new. And finally, I’d like a collapsible reflector with a gold, silver, and white/translucent side so that I can shoot people photos in natural light.

**From Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen

1. Camera Strap Buddy – Rich Wagner has one of these, and I’ve been meaning to buy one for myself. It’s a camera strap that screws into the bottom of your camera and wears across your body like a sling. The weight of your camera distributes better across your chest (and not just on your neck) and it’s so convenient.  It allows you a lot of mobility while protecting your camera at the same time. Just what I need when I’m chasing my 14 month-old.

3. An Eye-Fi Wireless Memory Card for my camera.  These little cards look like standard memory cards but they’re Wi-Fi-enabled and can be programmed to sync with your computer. Whenever your camera is idle and in reach of the wireless network you programmed it to accept, it’ll upload your pictures to your computer for you automatically.  You can set it up once and then just take pictures and let the camera do the rest.  It’ll even sort them for you (according to your instructions) and upload your photos to Flickr or Facebook if you want. All automatically through a Wi-Fi connection:  (Note: If you’re shooting in RAW, you need to buy the Pro card.  It’s the only one that’ll transmit RAW images.)

**From the creator of The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program, Jennifer Stevens:

1. A really thin, really light-weight laptop. In the last seven days, I’ve been on six planes, one boat, and two buses. I’ve checked in and out of six hotels. I’ve trekked through a jungle, traipsed along a beach, and wandered through a handful of towns. All with a behemoth of a machine in my backpack. It’s the last time!

2. A really small, really lightweight rolling carry-on bag. Already, I travel light.  And I have a super-lightweight bag that fits into most overhead compartments on planes. But I think going even smaller would serve me well. At barely 5’3″, I have a hard time hoisting my bag over my head on planes (even when it’s only partly full). A smaller bag would make that easier. Plus it would force me to NOT put in that “oh I might need this” item that, invariably, I never actually need.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]

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How To Become A Travel Writer – The Easy Way

Easy Steps To Landing Your First Byline As A Travel Writer

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