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Yesterday, I shared some tips about how dryer sheets can help you out of some sticky situations as you travel. If you missed that article, click here to read it.

Ziploc bags are just as versatile and can even be used to keep your clothes wrinkle-free. Use them on your next trip to…

1.    Keep your important documents together — your passport and boarding pass while you’re hanging around the airport, for example.

2.    Sort your currencies — dollars in one bag, euros in another, etc…

3.    Make a “kit” of all the things you want to bring on your trip but don’t need until your trip home: return trip itinerary, cab fare for the ride home, house keys, etc.

4.    Keep precious items safe. Put the item you want to protect in a Ziploc bag and close it almost fully, leaving just enough open to fit a straw through. Then, inflate the bag, remove the straw, and close the Ziploc completely. Presto…self-made bubble-wrap!

5.    Store your liquids or powders to prevent mess.

6.    Keep your clothes wrinkle-free. Larger bags can hold rolled clothing — which makes for neater packing and less wrinkled outfits on the other side.

7.    Make a pillow. Fill a large Ziploc with cotton balls for a light and compact travel pillow.

8.    Keep your luggage contents clean. Wrap your shoes in bags to prevent dirt from their soles rubbing off on other items.

STRANGE TRAVEL TIP #5: Eight Odd Uses for Dryer Sheets When Traveling
STRANGE TRAVEL TIP #4: Arrival Rituals of the Rich and Famous
STRANGE TRAVEL TIP #3: How to Pee Standing Up (for Women)
STRANGE TRAVEL TIP #2: Use Kid’s Swimmies to Keep Your Wine Bottles Safe in Transit
STRANGE TRAVEL TIP #1: How Hamsters Beat Jet-Lag

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]

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