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Turn Your Family Vacation into Cash at FamilyFun Magazine

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Unfortunately this site no longer exists.]

A road trip… an insider’s city weekend… a themed round-up of attractions… you have lots of options when creating a family travel piece for FamilyFun Magazine.

But do keep in mind: The readers (with children ages 3-12) are budget-conscious. That means the editors rarely feature international travel or expensive American resorts or programs.  When defining your idea for this market, focus on good-value travel opportunities that will appeal to both adults and children.

The publication’s Family Getaways department features two “first person, process-oriented, and often destination-specific” articles in each issue. These pieces run 600-1,000 words and are frequently freelance-written.

I spoke with Associate Editor Adrienne Stolarz recently — she’s one of eight assigning editors at the magazine — who explained that FamilyFun isn’t your standard-issue parenting magazine. “We shy away from advice,” she said, favoring instead articles with an emphasis on activities a family can participate in together and on ideas and solutions designed to enrich family time.

The magazine’s other departments feature craft ideas, family traditions, and solutions to problems families often face: like how to get kids to do chores without complaining.

With more than 2 million readers, this is a major market publication (purchased, incidentally, by Disney a few years back).  It comes out 10 times a year, and the pay for writers is quite good. For travel pieces, you’ll earn $1.25 per word and pay is upon acceptance. If the editors like your idea but opt to have a staff writer put the article together, they’ll pay you $100 for the idea itself.

The editors send an issue to print three months before the issue date, and they’re working on issues as far as seven to ten months out. They’re very holiday focused, and so if you have a holiday-related travel idea, make sure you pitch it well in advance. 

Poke around the publication’s website a bit to familiarize yourself with travel articles published in the past and to get a hands-on sense for the lively, upbeat tone the editors prefer.

The Family Getaways department accepts both queries and completed manuscripts. Send either by mail to: ATTN: Travel Editor, FamilyFun, 47 Pleasant Street, Northampton, MA 01060. (Yes, they want you to put “Travel Editor” rather than a specific editor’s name. And yes, they want your materials by snail mail).

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your query or manuscript. Allow four to six weeks for a response.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]

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