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Shortly after signing up for Travel Videos for Profit, I was talking to one of my best friends who runs an ad agency. She asked if I thought video could help one of her clients gain more visibility for a product, and I was able to tell her what I’d learned from Chapter One of the course.

By its very nature, video can increase time spent on websites by visitors, instill buyer confidence through direct address and genuine engagement, and result in increased sales.

The logic made sense to her, and she asked me how much I’d charge to make a short client video.

The course recommends doing two or three projects for free to gain experience, so I offered to do this project as one of my practice videos. She insisted on paying me something, though, as she felt this would benefit her client, and he has an advertising budget.

I said “Sure!” So then I shot the video following Tom’s advice in the program. And, after a couple of minor revisions, she and the client were very happy with the results.

What attracted me to working with video?
I have a bachelor’s degree in photography, but I never studied video. Now my DSLRs have video capability.

I’ve had several requests for video work over my years as a photographer, but I never felt comfortable offering it on my menu of services since I didn’t have the training.

I thought Tom’s course might help me find my way in the world of video.

Why did I choose Travel Videos for Profit?

This course advertised that students can use a DSLR or even a phone to get started. I figured if people can make money with phone videos, I might have a chance to go a step further since I have been doing still photography for so many years with a DSLR.

The other aspect of the course that attracted me was the focus on making sales. It’s one thing to be proficient with a camera, be a great editor, and know about lighting, and it’s another thing entirely to get people to pay for these skills and services. I wanted a course to help me with my business, not just add another skill or certification to my resume.

Many courses and instructors focus on how one does not need any background or previous training to do well in their subjects, and this is sometimes a big turn off for me.

It’s great that someone can start from scratch, but sometimes ads for courses seem to belittle those of us who spent time gaining knowledge or training in a relevant field.

So, before signing up for this course, I contacted Great Escape Publishing to ask a few questions along these lines, and I felt reassured that this course would be good for someone like me who has some previous training, as well as for an absolute beginner. I told myself that, in any case, there’s a money-back guarantee.

I have been pleased by the course so far, and I made my first sale within days of signing up for it!

My take-away advice after making my first video sale:

● If you enjoy taking videos on your phone and want to learn how to make some money from them, you’ll enjoy this course.
● You can get started from home. Don’t wait until your next great travel adventure; local businesses need affordable video, too.
● If you’re a photographer who would like to break into video work, this course is a great starting point.
● Pay attention to your audio! That is proving the biggest challenge for me as it is not something I’ve had to deal with in my day-to-day photo work. With the money from my first sale, I invested in a lapel mic for interviews (about $50).
● If you’re comfortable using a DSLR, don’t be afraid to try some footage with your phone camera as well. I spent years at art school working solely with SLRs and DSLRS and was skeptical about using my phone for a professional job. However, based on this course, I decided to risk it. Part of the first video I sold was shot on a DSLR, and part was shot on my phone.
● A gimbal is wonderful (and way easier than a tripod to carry around)! I got a cheap phone gimbal and it makes a big difference. Once I make a few more video sales, I plan on getting a gimbal for my DSLR.
● When you start the course, tell your friends about it. You may find that you have paid work before you’ve finished!

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