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How Amy finds 360-degree photo buyers (a growing market)...I’m often asked who my ideal 360-degree photo client is. But the truth is that, these days, any business with a physical location can be a great candidate. However, while there are endless possibilities, here are some criteria I’ve found that help identify the very best 360-degree photo buyers:

1. New businesses that have opened recently are looking to make themselves known and attract new clients. Many have a business plan and funds allocated to start-up marketing. Their premises will probably never look better than when it’s all brand spanking new, so it’s the perfect time to photograph it for them.

2. Recently relocated businesses are anxious to get the word out about their new location. 360-degree photos can help inform the public by showcasing their new spot and helping clients, both old and new, recognize the new spot.

3. Businesses with a new showroom are a great fit, since they’ve invested a lot of money to showcase their products to the public. 360 photos are a natural extension of that investment to an audience online. Car dealerships love this option.

4. Businesses that appeal to tourists and visitors, like restaurants and hotels, are perfect. If a business gets a significant percentage of their revenue from tourists or out-of-town guests, they need to find a way to constantly connect with a transient clientele. Visitors today do plenty of online research, so 360 photos are a great way for a business to capture their attention and get on the shortlist for their visit.

5. Any business with a high visual appeal. If a business sells a luxury product or high-end experience, being able to convey the whole customer experience online through 360 photos is a great fit.

6. Finally, interesting businesses that are off the beaten track need the exposure, and 360 photos can entice folks to go out of their way. For example, I had clients with a surprisingly nice spa in a less-than-desirable part of town. 360-degree business photos were a great way for them to show people what they had to offer and entice them to come give it a try.

Taking 360-degree business photos is as easy as setting up, shooting, and you’re done. You just need to make sure to have the right equipment… know where to stand… and how to put it all together into a single, smooth 360 shot at the end. All things you can easily learn in a couple of days.

After that, it’s just about approaching some businesses like these and watching the income opportunities roll in.

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