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“I’m going to go home and kiss my husband!”  

It’s Day One at the Ultimate Photography Workshop in Palm Springs, and all around me groups of participants are chatting at their tables after the morning’s sessions. I overhear Melanie, at the next table, talking about her journey here. 

“My husband gave me this workshop as a birthday present,” she says, “and I already know it’s a life-changer for me.  

“All my life I’ve enjoyed photography and writing. I always believed that when I retired I’d get a chance to explore those things. I really believed I could do something with it. But… you know… life just got in the way.”  

Now, 10 years later, Melanie finally has the chance, thanks to her husband, to open the door and explore these opportunities. Even after just a few sessions, she’s excited about the possibilities.

First, it was Bonnie Caton telling us about how she’s able to pursue photography as a secondary source of income through stock photography and headshots.

Then Shelly Perry shared her wonderful photos, taken in exotic locations such as Istanbul and Ecuador, and told us how to tell a story with our photos… a story that magazines will want to share with their readers.  And how she does it even though she’s quite shy.

And Daniel Nahabedian, who gave us a whole new way to take photos — 7 steps that transform everyday snapshots into photos we assume only the pros can create.

Its lunch-time now, and already the excitement in the room is evident. 

Ron came up to me, too, at the break and told me he’s already gotten his money’s worth.  And Tracy made a point of telling me how worried she was coming in: “It was a lot of money,” she said.  “The workshop, the travel, the hotel… but I had no idea it’d be this worth it so soon on day one.”

It reminds me of something a friend of mine always says: If life is a book, why did you put this chapter here?

We all know we’re in charge of what happens next in our lives. But all too often, we don’t write the next chapter.  We let someone else do it for us – our kids, our spouse, our employers, even our friends.

But we’re the ones who get to write this book.  We’re the ones who really have a say in what comes next.  So if life is our book, let’s take that control back and write this next chapter the way we really want it to go… and take hold of the life-changing opportunity of our dreams.

Melanie, Ron and Tracy are doing this.  They’ve discovered that it’s time to write their next chapter the way they want it.  And you can do it, too, if you give it some thought.

Tomorrow I’ll share with you the many ways you can transform your photography from simple picture snapping to creating images others want to buy.  This was Daniel’s presentation today and it was truly inspiring.

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

16 Mobile Photography Tips And Tricks Every Photographer Should Know

Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera

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