The most popular color of 2017

Posted by & filed under Travel Photography.

Every year, the world’s experts on color at the Pantone Color Institute designate a “color of the year” which, believe it or not, drives loads of trends in design, décor, fashion, and more.

This year’s official Pantone Color of the Year is called: Greenery

… and it will be prevalent throughout the advertising world in 2017.

Photos showing the 2017 Pantone color of the year

Here’s what the folks at Pantone say about ‘Greenery’:

“A refreshing and revitalizing shade, Greenery is symbolic of new beginnings.”

It represents reconnection with nature, vitality, and freshness — which also make great themes for stock photos! (If you want to read more about this, check out Pantone’s site here.)

You can bet that images that feature a similar green color will be in demand from photo buyers since it’s a color that’s popular across so many industries right now.

Breakfast Stock Club Premium members are photographing “Backgrounds” for this month’s photo Challenge. It would be a great idea to shoot some background images that feature this bright, grassy green, and take advantage of the green theme while photographing for this month’s Challenge.

Three images showing stock photo color trends

If you want to get in on our current Challenge, there’s still time! You’ll get a PDF guide full of tips and ideas for shooting Background images as well as a group photo review and Lightroom processing video lesson from one of our pros. Get in on it here.

Grab your camera and keep a lookout for 2017’s most popular color. Don’t forget to include keywords such as “Color of the year,” “15-0343,” and “Greenery” when you upload these shots to your stock agencies. NOTE: Avoid using the word “Pantone” as a keyword. It’s copyrighted and could get your photo rejected.

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