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A travel photographer’s duty is not to shock their audience with sadness. It’s to uplift through their art, exposing the good in the world. At least that’s Daniel Nahabedian’s opinion. And we’re on board. Daniel is our professional photographer here on the ground at our Thailand Photography Expedition. Born in Lebanon during the civil war, raised in the United Arab Emirates, carrying a French passport, currently living in Granada, and speaking five languages, it’s safe to say that Daniel is well-versed in the world of travel. “The world would be an easier place to live if people understood each other and respected their different cultures and traditions,” he told us. “Exploiting misery and desolation in every corner doesn’t help solve the issues.  It merely shocks the viewer without providing an answer.” That’s why he’d rather share the good, the happiness, and the beauty that surrounds us in his photographs. And what better city to do that in than here in Chiang Mai.  It’s no surprise he chose to live here for three years with a motto like that.  What better place to photograph the good of mankind than in a city of such thankful and respectful people. We have a lot on the agenda — majestic temples… local villages and hill tribes… elephants… Thai food… and finally, we’ll round out the week with one of the most awe-inspiring festivals in the world: the Yi Peng flying lantern festival. To give you an idea of what we’re in for this week, here are some of Daniel’s favorite images from festivals in the past which includes the release of more than 10,000 paper lanterns and the release of lanterns at Wat Phan Tao: A celebration of light and sound, the Yi Peng festival is going to be a chance for us to capture happiness in this beautiful country. So stay tuned… Share on Facebook

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