Posted by & filed under Travel Photography.

Last week I read about a simple “two-minute rule” to beat procrastination and get more done. 

I’ve been using it. And it works. Here it is:

Make a list of your goals and give each of them two minutes of your time.

Want to take better pictures?  Spend two minutes looking for a good class.

Want to sell a travel story?  Spend two minutes writing one online.

Want to plan a trip?  Spend two minutes researching destinations.

Chances are, when the two minutes are up, you’ll want to keep going, and you’ll have conquered the hardest part of reaching your goal… which is simply getting started.  

Success experts say that imperfect action beats no action every time.  And that it’s less about being right and more about diving in and figuring the “right” things out as you go. 

So, I’m switching gears this week to some really fun and cool ways to take amazing photos even when you’re faced with not-so-beautiful places. 

Great photography is a choice!  

Photos aren’t just born.  They’re made with the right mix of learning your camera, understanding good composition, good light, proper exposure, and good photo processing

Why not take two minutes today to look for a photo opportunity in your home or backyard.

And stay tuned for more inspiration tomorrow.

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

16 Mobile Photography Tips And Tricks Every Photographer Should Know

Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera

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