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This is it… the last time I’m going to virtually “poke” you this week, urging you to take action. Selling stock photos is fun, it’s approachable for even the very beginner, and it can be very lucrative.

For example, just last week, fellow reader Deborah Kolb sold a single photo for $950 to be used on a book cover. See the photo… and read her great tip for getting started, below.

If you haven’t looked at your calendar, yet, pick an afternoon and reserve two hours to get started. In that time, look through the photos on your computer. Make a list of places you could show them, publications that might want them, or stock agencies where you could start submitting them.

Don’t overthink it. Just get going. It starts with tiny, baby steps and builds from there. Here’s today’s inspiration…

Photo Success Case Study #9: Deborah Kolb

Selling Stock Photos - Deborah Kolb

Professional Background: Recruiting

Specialty: Portraits, Boudoir, Lifestyle

Main Markets: Stock, Clients, Assignments

What’s the number-one way you’ve been rewarded for giving photography a try?

The joy I get when someone feels great about themselves by working with me and then refers a new client

What’s the most recent photo you’ve sold?

I just sold this picture today for $950. It was an assignment from Imagebrief for a book cover.

Selling Stock Photos - Deb Kolb book cover

What would you tell someone who’s hesitating to start?

Don’t judge yourself. Just start to submit and keep the faith. I just got an email today with one of my stock pictures in use!! Too much fun to open an email and see an ad with your picture!

Photo Success Case Study #10: Laura Lee

Selling Stock Photos - Laura Lee
Professional Background: Airline Operations

Specialty: Portraits and Nature Photography

Main Markets: Stock, Clients 

What’s the number-one way you’ve been rewarded for giving photography a try?

Once I have images up at my stock agencies, they keep selling without any additional effort on my part!  I make money while I’m asleep at night, when I am sick or injured, and whether the stock market is up or down. The checks keep coming in! 

What’s the most recent photo you’ve sold?

selling stock photos

This is the most recent photo that I added to my Shutterstock portfolio and as you can see, it’s my sweet son with special needs.  It’s not perfect, as he’s making a goofy face and has his eyes closed.  But it was accepted into my Shutterstock portfolio on June 1 and sold for the first time on June 2!  I can usually tell if an image will be popular by whether it sells in the first week after adding it.

What would you tell someone who’s hesitating to start?

Think of something you really want to do… such as taking a walk, shopping for something new, going to lunch with friends.  Okay.  That’s your reward.  Now, tell yourself YOU CAN’T HAVE THAT REWARD until you submit 5 images to a stock agency.  We all need motivators and rewards.  Stop making excuses and start making money! 

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

16 Mobile Photography Tips And Tricks Every Photographer Should Know

Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera

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