Making an income with macro images...

Posted by & filed under Travel Photography.

How I'm making a good income with macro images...“What is that a picture of?”

This is the question I get asked more than any other, and I love it! 

I have been collecting minerals, fossils, and gemstones for over 25 years. These collections involve the use of magnification, which gave me the idea of taking macro images of ordinary objects in a funky way and improving them in Lightroom.

Once people started seeing my images, they loved them, and I started making more. 

I call these images Macro Abstract Photography. You can capture images like them anywhere and everywhere. My biggest seller was taken while checking in at the hotel front desk for the 2017 Ultimate Photography Workshop. I sold it for $750, and it won a State award in 2017—it was displayed in the University of Wisconsin – Madison and competed on the State level. 

I won another State award in 2018 for another Macro abstract, and the response has been great. Since I started my journey with Great Escape in 2015, I have sold over $4,000 in these kinds of images! 

The one tool that helped me more than any other is the 10-Day Success Plan that comes with the workshop. This tool is worth its weight in gold and then some. The beauty of the plan is that you can use it repeatedly. If you only use it once, you are missing the true power of it. Magnify and multiply your results by repeating the daily steps over and over.

Making an income with macro images...
2017 State Award “Swirls of Gold” and 2018 State Award “Ripples”

I bet you’re wondering what these images are? Well, “Swirls of Gold” is a piece of decorative glass that was hanging in the lobby of that same hotel. This is a photo of a 2” x 2” section of that glass. “Ripples” is a photo of a wall display made of metal, again just a 2” x 2” area.

Keep your eye and mind open, and you can find and create art anywhere.

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