photogenic images

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Are you photogenic?

Most people will say no. But really, ANYONE can be photogenic. Yes, even you.

The trick is to simply relax and be your natural self.

That face you make in photos — you know, the one you’ve practiced in front of the mirror? Forget that.

Instead, have a look at these common portrait no-nos, and how to avoid them… no matter which side of the camera you’re on.

The Poser

the poser position  natural pose - pretend you're looking at someone

Most people have no idea what to do when the camera is pointing at them. Whatever you do — don’t strike a pose. Instead, relax. Look into the lens of the camera as if you were looking into the eyes of the person who’s taking your photo.


The Dreaded Duckface

the duckface pose relax and tilt a tiny bit

Born on Facebook and Myspace, the “Duckface” epidemic is sweeping the globe, making people everywhere look ridiculous. Pursing your lips like a “movie star” does not make you — or anyone — look good. Again, just relax. You’ll be much happier with the end result.



The Blinker

blinking in photos  open your eyes for photosSome people have a talent for blinking in photos. You know who you are. To solve the problem, close your eyes and ask your photographer to count to three. On three, you open your eyes and they shoot. If you’re the photographer, turn this situation around – tell your model to close their eyes and open on three. Works every time.




The Double Chin

downward angles and double chins  get an downward angleWhen the camera is below eye level, shooting up at someone, you’re in the Double Chin Danger Zone. Try to shoot on eye-level or slightly above. If you’re a short photographer, get a small stool you can carry around, like this, and shoot down from above:




You can also stand up on a staircase, or put your photo subject in a chair. And if you’re the photo subject getting double chins, make sure you lift your chin up and stick it out just a little.

short photographers need a boost up

The “Say Cheese”

forced smiles  think of something that made you smileSmiling on cue is one of the fastest ways to make a photo look forced. If you’re the photographer, try getting your subject to talk about something that makes her happy… then shoot when her smile is genuine. And if you’re the subject, try thinking about something that makes you genuinely happy before you say “cheese.”




Bonus Tip: The Deer in the Headlights

don't be a deer in headlights  test your face and prepare for the shotStraight-on shots of someone trying to look natural often look… strange. If you’re the subject, turn your body at a slight angle and turn your face back to the photographer to get a more dynamic, relaxed look. This is another instance where closing your eyes for a few seconds can help to “reset” your face, so you don’t look frozen like a statue.

Take a few warm-up “test shots” and get your subject to chat. When both the photographer and the subject feel comfortable, that’s when you’re going to get a better shot — and show your photo subject that yes, she really can be photogenic.

As a side-note, the above tips work great for self-portraits, too.


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