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Our most successful members often say that they take their camera everywhere they go. It’s a good idea. After all, sometimes it’s the quick, spur-of-the moment photo that ends up selling. 

So your challenge for the rest of this week is to take your camera with you every time you go somewhere. Get in the habit of having it with you, and see what photo opportunities you find.

Reader Amy Muschik started in advertising, but today she loves making an income with photography. She even got hired by Google to shoot the interior of businesses for their Streetview services. It’s amazing how with photography, one assignment often leads to another, and new opportunities begin to spring up!

Scroll below for fellow readers Amy and Julie’s stories…

You really never know where this stuff will go. But you have to get started to make it happen. 

Photo Success Case Study #7: Amy Muschik

making an income with photography - Amy Muschik

Professional Background: Advertising

Main Markets: Stock Photography, Google Streetview Business Tours 


What’s the number-one way you’ve been rewarded for giving photography a try?

Having my photos accepted and sold as stock helped me to gain more confidence as I continued to learn, practice, and build my skills. I could share so many exciting moments, but the most exciting and rewarding event to date was being certified by Google as a Streetview trusted business photographer. Now I sell my photography services to businesses to capture their locations in 360 virtual reality for their Google Maps page, helping them to showcase and gain exposure for their business. Last month I attended an international virtual reality photography conference, and I’m so excited about all the new opportunities that are available in this field. I really can hardly believe how far I have come.

What’s the most recent photo you’ve sold?

making an income with photography

I took this photo while at an event I had helped to organize for the dog club I belong to.  I printed and framed a copy of it for myself to remind me of the great day we had.  When our club had a fundraiser, I donated a copy of it that was sold by auction to raise money for the club. The person who bought it at the auction hung it in her home where the owner of the farm saw it and loved it. 

They are doing significant renovations on the property so the look of this old red barn will be lost. She is buying a copy to hang in her home to keep the memory of the original historic barn. I will get $50 for this most recent copy and am very glad to preserve this bit of history for her.

What would you tell someone who’s hesitating to start?

Don’t sit on the sidelines. Fear is irrational, there is nothing to lose and you will never know until you just get out there and do it. If you don’t do this, no-one can say “no” to you, but no-one can say “yes” to you either.

Photo Success Case Study #8: Julie Diebolt Price

making an income with photography - Julie D

Professional Background: Photography

Specialty: Travel, Portraits

Main Market: Stock, Clients


What’s the number-one way you’ve been rewarded for giving photography a try?

I’ve been a professional photographer for many years with the usual ups and downs of business ownership. I can’t imagine that I will ever give up the craft of photography, but I am going for a new genre to add to my portfolio that will take me into my golden years. One that will give me the freedom to create images wherever I am in the world, whatever physical condition I am in, and at whatever pace I choose – stock photography. I am rewarded by making a sale – even if it is 25 cents!

What’s the most recent photo you’ve sold?


Last fall I created a “breezy” studio session for a woman who wanted images for her modeling portfolio. She paid $249 for the studio session and signed a model release that gave me permission to submit it for stock. Yesterday, this image sold to someone in Europe through my stock agency.

What would you tell someone who’s hesitating to start?

Take small and measured steps to achieve milestones on the journey into stock photography. Success will be yours if you stay the course and follow the program.

For more inspiring stories, read Case Studies #9 and #10.

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

16 Mobile Photography Tips And Tricks Every Photographer Should Know

Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera

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