Posted by & filed under Travel Photography.

This week, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about photo processing for stock.

Yes, every photo you submit to stock should have at least some very basic processing.

But it doesn’t have to be complicated. The program we recommend, Adobe Lightroom, makes it easy to give your photos the professional polish they need to do well as stock.

A new version of the program just came out (Lightroom 4), so I’m putting together short videos to lead you through some quick processing tricks. Watch for the first one next week.

[NOTE: If you don’t already own Lightroom, you can download a free 30-day trial at the Adobe site and follow along with my tips in the next couple of weeks. Or, if you own an older version of Lightroom, you can also download a 30-day trial of the new version. Check out this intro to Lightroom…]

— Bonnie

Bonnie Caton
Creator, Breakfast Stock Club

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

Your Weekly Breakfast Dish
The latest from your Breakfast Stock Club Facebook Page

From Janice Sakata-Schultze: Going for the big fish now. I’m re-submitting my first three to iStock again… after almost two years since I last tried!

Go for it, Janice!

From Joan Partridge: Question about the new Lightroom — is it worth it to wait for 4, maybe coming out end March? I don’t have 3. Wonder how much 4 will cost, and if maybe I should get 3 and then upgrade to 4 later?

Quick answer: Lightroom 4 is out now, and it’s the only version you can get at Download a free trial version and see if you like it!

From Evelyn Kaehler: Photo submissions – does everyone wait for an email from the site to know if their pics were accepted?? Or do you usually log in to your account to find out what’s happening?

I usually wait until it’s been a week or so, then log in to see what’s going on.

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

16 Mobile Photography Tips And Tricks Every Photographer Should Know

Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera

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