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Woo-hoo! We made it through our first two weeks of Breakfast Stock Club Summer Sprints.

If you managed to take 200 new photos of textures and patterns, GREAT WORK! This week: focus on uploading new photos to your agencies while we get ready for the next sprint.

If you didn’t take any photos, yet, don’t fret. We still have three more sprints to go — plenty of time to build up your stock photo portfolios before the fall sales rush.

Wherever you are this week, keep shooting. Here’s a little tip to take your patterns and textures photos to the next level. It instantly turns a simple photo into a concept. And once you start looking for it, you’ll see it everywhere. It’s called: Patterns Interrupted.

Here are a few examples:

Set up a scene in your home with fruit, vegetables, or anything else that can create an “interrupted” pattern.

Row of Apples on Rustic Wood Bench

Stand out of crowd - individuality concept

Or, look around for interrupted patterns in nature.

Breaking Patterns

As much as the human eye loves texture, pattern, and symmetry, it is also drawn to areas of contrast — places where something is different. And, this can bring about all sorts of different concepts that are attractive to buyers. Think of all the phrases we have in our everyday language along the lines of this idea: “One in a million” “Stand out like a sore thumb” “Dare to be different” “Stand out from the crowd” Next time you’re out shooting, don’t be afraid to shake up your patterns and try shooting something that’s a little different. Keep shooting… keep uploading… and watch for your next Summer Sprint, coming up in two weeks. — Bonnie Bonnie Caton Creator, Breakfast Stock Club P.S. Get your photo reviewed by a professional stock photographer TWICE next month. During these Summer Sprints, Breakfast Stock Club Premium Members get two reviews per month, so they can know exactly where to improve to have the best possible portfolio ready for the September rush. Try out Premium Membership now, here.

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From Theresa St John: I have been out every day since May 3rd, taking images for the pattern/texture challenge. Having so much fun and can’t even count the ones I have been able to keep for stock site uploads! Hope everyone else is doing the same, getting creative out there in this big wonderful world! Happy snapping!

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

16 Mobile Photography Tips And Tricks Every Photographer Should Know

Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera