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Is it December already? Time to get out the lights, garlands, and wrapping paper. And with all of that in mind, scroll down for this month’s holiday-flavored Photo Challenge Theme… Bonnie Caton Great Escape Publishing ************************** December 2, 2009 The Right Way to Travel, Weekly Photo Tip **************************

Bells, Bows and Mistletoes

By Shelly Perry in Portland, OR It’s getting pretty dark out here in the Northern Hemisphere. Good thing it’s the holiday season, which means it’s time to bring out the lights, glitter, garlands, and maybe even see a dusting of sparkling snow. That’s why this month’s Photo Challenge theme — Bells, Bows, and Mistletoes — is devoted to all the things you do to make your winter bright. Photos in this Challenge can cover a wide swath of holiday merriment, including tree trimmings, gifts, holiday parties and gatherings, and all that goes into readying your home and family for the holidays. Whatever you’re doing to add some sparkle to these darker winter days, take out your camera and document it. Then, send in your one best shot for a chance to win a $30 gift certificate to the AWAI E-Bookstore… and be entered in the running for next year’s $2,000 Grand Prize. Submissions for Bells, Bows, and Mistletoes can include: Your favorite elves of the season: Bells, Bows and Mistletoes What happens when Fido helps with the wrapping: All the glitz, glitter, and glow that surrounds you: True love’s winter kiss: … Or any other festive shots of the season. Remember to write a strong description — there are a wide array of customs and traditions this time of year — so you’ll want to be sure we know what we are looking at. Keep in mind the various tips for composition and lighting you’ve learned so far through these weekly photo tips. I encourage you to go back through our archives at and read some of the critiques of previous months’ entries. You’ll gain some useful insights about what differentiates a winning photo from one that’s just okay. Happy Holidays, everyone! Submissions for December’s challenge are due by 8:00 a.m. EST on Monday, December 28.  You can submit your photos by clicking on the “Enter to Win” tab on our website. Look for a list of November’s winners in next week’s Photo Tip. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

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Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera