Posted by & filed under Travel Photography.

Yesterday I challenged you to take one photo every day for the next 21 days. And as a dangling carrot to help you build a habit of getting your camera out every day, I brought back our $1,000 Photo Challenge.

Of course, I’d love it if you learned to take better pictures this week because of this challenge. But I’d love it even more if you sold these photos for extra income.

A couple months ago, I reached out to some of our members on Facebook and asked if they have any examples of photos that have earned them more than $500.

Here are just a few they sent me…

Colleen Bessel:

sell your photos for extra income

Snapped at a wedding, she’s sold this photo as a fine-art print and also as greeting cards, earning her an upwards of $750.

Theresa St. John:

Bowl of fresh,sweet blackberries on old gray wood. ** Note: Soft Focus at 100%, best at smaller sizes

Taken on her front porch, this photo has sold as fine art and as stock with royalties totaling $600.

Marylinda Ramos:

Marylinda Ramos - Yatch

This photo, along with a cover image and story for a regional sailing magazine netted over $500 for Marylinda.

And Lisa Top sold these three together printed on metal for $750…

1601 Lisa Topps - peacock

Incidentally, Lisa says her best-selling stock photo right now is termite droppings, here…


Guess that just goes to show that the world needs photos of EVERYTHING!

I’ve asked these ladies to tell you just one thing they learned through our programs that helped them each make different decisions about where they would sell their photos and how much they would ask for them. Look out for their insider advice over the coming days.

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

16 Mobile Photography Tips And Tricks Every Photographer Should Know

Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera

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