Posted by & filed under Travel Blogging.

I’ve been writing a monthly travel column in The Denver Post since January of 2012, and I’m the author of six books about travel. All of that work can be traced back to my blog, The Tranquilo Traveler, which I created in 2005. 

The initial purpose of my blog was to display and build my evolving niche as a travel writer.

I also wanted to document my upcoming round-the-world honeymoon — a 16-month trip of a lifetime which I was about to take with my wife, Sutay. 

My original intention was to convert all my blog entries into book chapters, and, after a decade of sorting through and chiseling down the original stories, this year I published Crocodile Love: Travel Tales from an Extended Honeymoon

That’s my blog-to-book story, but the Tranquilo Traveler has led to other things, as well. 

Early on, my blog garnered a decent Google PageRank for travel-related searches, bringing advertisers who offered to pay a monthly fee for linking to them from my home page. I made about $10,000 per year for a roughly five-year period selling these links. 

In addition, the blog has served as an important public outlet and calling card. 

A few years ago, Kyle Wagner, then the travel editor of The Denver Post, was looking for columnists for the newspaper’s travel section. She did a search on Twitter for Colorado-based travel bloggers and read through a number of local blogs, including mine. She is now a freelance travel writer and editor, and I asked her what made my blog stand out.

“Because your writing was consistently good,” she said, “conversational without losing journalistic integrity, and a good balance between personal anecdotes and useful information.”

In this case, my travel blog served not only as a public resume, but also as a representative writing sample to draw people to my books, projects, and my potential to take on something new. 

Four years later, my Denver Post column, “Around Colorado,” is still going strong, and I haven’t missed a single month.  

I recently merged The Tranquilo Traveler, which had always existed as a separate blog, with my static writer’s homepage, weaving them together through the magic of WordPress (specifically, the content-driven SimpleMag theme). 

The merge confirmed that my blog is indeed tied to everything — social media buttons, book sales, bio, article portfolio, and photo galleries. 

These used to exist outside my blog, but now they are fed by it, as new blog posts immediately appear on various relevant pages and collections, depending on the categories I assign them. 

After a decade online, this recent game-changer to my website has only further strengthened the ability of my blog to lead to more — and likely unexpected — opportunities. That’s exciting!

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