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Have you ever wondered why we think children learn faster than adults?

Stuart Brown, the author of the book Play, says it’s not that kids learn faster than adults… it’s that they treat the new things they’re learning like toys.

A new computer, for example, is a play thing.   They’re not afraid to push buttons and see how it works.  They’re not afraid to experiment.  And if they can figure it out, they can play with it.  It’s a toy.

Adults on the other hand, don’t treat computers like toys.  We ARE afraid to push buttons.  We’re afraid of breaking things.  And we’re also afraid that we’re going to look stupid if we do something wrong or we never learn to use them.

Fear, Brown says, is what holds us back.  And play, he says, is the solution.  Treat your computer like a toy – play games with it, experiment, fool around – and you’ll see you learn it a lot faster.

And I think the same is true for cameras.  Many of us are afraid of our cameras.  We’re scared we’re going to mess something up.  We’re scared we’ll appear stupid if we ask questions.  

One way to get past all that is to simply play with it.  Professional photographer Daniel Nahabedian (who was in Thailand with us last year) bought his first camera just four years ago, and within one year he was making a full-time living from it.  

He bought a camera.  He played with it.  He experimented.  He improved.  And in less than a year, it became his life.

Dream, play, repeat.  That’s the formula you need.

We’re adding it to all our live events this year.

They’ll still include all the great information our experts are known for.  We’re just adding more fun and more opportunities to learn things without fear.

You’ll find a full listing of this year’s workshops here.

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