Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Not Just a Cup of Tea

How would you like to linger over a cup of imported tea and change the lives of impoverished young Indian women all from the comfort of an easy chair? You don’t have to travel to India’s Darjeeling province to do that or enjoy a cup of smooth and mellow Golden Yunnan tea. Visit Atlanta’s bohemian neighborhood of Candler Park where Dr. Bombay’s Underwater Tea Party not only imports Indian tea but exports humanitarian aid through its nonprofit, The Learning Tree, which funds life scholarships for impoverished young Indian women.

Tea in Wonderland

Tea time begins with small glass bottles filled with unique tea blends to continue the whimsical journey. With blends like Mint Chocolate and Strawberries and Cream, you will have a hard time choosing just one flavor. If you change your mind or simply finish your pot, you are more than welcome to try the other flavors on offer. The waiter will ask you to smell the jars to determine which hot drink you’d like. If you wish, you can also order a cocktail or champagne to accompany your other drinks.