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Endless Summers Begin Here: Macao Surf Club, Dominican Republic

Learning to surf makes golf seem simple. If you have ever played golf, you know that this is a very strong statement. Kids make it look easy. But anyone who did not grow up surfing will attest to how difficult it can be to balance yourself on a long, slippery piece of fiberglass as it slides down the face of a wave. If you did not learn to surf in your youth, I suggest you take lessons. A gentle beach like Macao in the eastern Dominican Republic is the perfect place for you to begin your endless summer.

Batu Karas: It’s the Destination, Not the Journey

Batu Karas, West Java, isn’t a hard-core surfing destination. But for longboarders, and for beginners, it’s close to heaven. The Point works with just a one-and-a-half-foot swell. Its long, fat waves are ideal for longboarders and unintimidating, fun, and very forgiving for learners. Some say the waves here are “the best beginner waves in the world.” It’s not surprising that Batu Karas produces some of Indonesia’s top surfers.