Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Mostar’s Many Faces

Tightly compact arteries of merging alleyways are packed with shops, restaurants, art galleries, and mosques. Some shops sell very unique “souvenirs.” Look closely; those are genuine wartime military helmets next to an arsenal of knives, bullets, and weaponry. Looking for a gas mask for that special someone back home? You know U.S. Customs will have a LOT to say about your souvenirs.

Interactive Journey Back in Time: Arlington House Museum, Barbados

Welcome to Arlington House Museum, a uniquely interactive foray into Barbadian life — past and present. Beautifully restored and converted from its original establishment as a prominent ship chandler, the three-story single-gabled structure (classic 17th-century-style Barbadian architecture) boasts engaging virtual displays and interactive exhibits to present the story of Barbados, starting from its geological beginnings. The museum’s location in Speightstown, St. Peter (Barbados’s northern hub of commercial activity) is an important feature throughout the exhibit, highlighting the town’s significance as a thriving port at the time.

Camelot Revisited: Aboard the Presidential Yacht "Honey Fitz"

In contrast to today’s fiberglass mega yachts, the Honey Fitz reflects a restrained, classic day-tripper of dark polished woods and modest proportions…It’s easy to imagine a scenario: a sun-filled cruise on the Potomac with historic figures gathered to discuss subjects of great import… or perhaps another of Caroline and John-John entertaining Kennedy cousins, picnicking around that same table.