Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Calling a Forest Fire Tower Home

There is so much to explore and so many ways to do it, through hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, skiing, camping, and various other outdoor activities. But have you ever thought about staying in an active forest fire tower? Through a reservation one can rent and stay at an active forest fire lookout tower during the off seasons. This is a unique getaway experience and grants spectacular views of the surrounding wilderness.

Glendalough: Walking in a Special Place

In sixth-century Ireland, St. Kevin sought a haven of peace and serenity for his monastic “city.” He chose Glendalough. Strolling through this valley, you can understand St. Kevin’s thinking. Take one of the many paths into the forest and you find yourself alone, forgetting about the outside world. There are no sounds of traffic. No crowds. The smells of the forest fill the air. The leaves gently rustle. Birds dash between the trees. Away from modern society, you can see why St. Kevin chose this place of spiritual peace.