Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Escape to a Fairyland at Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens

Today the park is an oasis for locals and tourists alike. Managed by Parks Victoria, the gardens are a well-maintained blend of exotic and native flora. Maples, ginkgoes, and catalpa intermingle with indigenous ferns, orchids, and eucalyptus trees. Beautiful all year round, each season offers something new. Rhododendrons, azaleas, and cherry flowers bloom in the spring, and hydrangeas and fuchsias in summer. Autumn brings colorful foliage, and camellias and kalmia flower in winter.

Australia! You Bloody Beauty!

When Australia was first settled by the British in 1788, this sun-drenched land down-under was introduced to the English language. It was spoken in all its English and Irish accents with a bit of Scots and Welsh thrown in as well. Over time, the amalgamation of the accents plus a dose of cockney rhyming slang has created a unique Australian brand of English which can be a little daunting to first-time visitors.