Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Columbus Museum of Art Designs with Kids in Mind

“Imagine a world where children are encouraged to play in art museums.” This was a vision of Executive Director Nannette Maciejunes during the design of the newly expanded and renovated Columbus Museum of Art. The new museum, reopened in October 2015, is much more than large rooms filled with paintings. Maciejunes believes, “This exciting endeavor is a shift from just talking about the works hanging on the wall to talking about how art connects people to themselves, their community, and their world.”

An Unexpected Gem in a Land with Countless Treasures

The Ivan Mestrovic Gallery had not even made it to my “must-see” list on a recent visit to Croatia. But I am thrilled to have stumbled upon it. In the city of Split the dreamy, clear Adriatic Sea meets a palm tree-lined harbor. Across the city, patches of lush green trees stand out against the white buildings with red tiled roofs. Rugged mountains loom in the background as if to watch over and protect the peacefulness below.

Roswell, New Mexico — A Tale of Two Museums

Speeding down Highway 84 through the stark beauty of the New Mexico Great Plains, my wife and I eagerly anticipated our visit to Roswell. Ah, Roswell, New Mexico. It conjures up near mythical place names and events such as Area 51, the Roswell UFO Incident, and the UFO Museum. Our plan was to visit the famous homage to UFO believers and — surprisingly — we discovered another gem of a museum that presents the art, science, history, and culture of the southeastern portion of New Mexico.