Posted by & filed under Iceland, Souvenirs, Volume 12, Issue #7 – July 2019.

By Sharon Kurtz I had barely unpacked my carry-on bag and tossed in a load of long-overdue wash, when I discovered a forgotten souvenir of my travels tucked in the side pocket of my bag. It was reminiscent of an unopened present discovered beneath all the torn wrappings on Christmas morning. As a person who takes great pride in packing light, and I mean light, there is never space for bulky souvenirs in my carry-on bag. As much as I have coveted hand-knitted Irish sweaters and hand-painted tiles from Lisbon, I remind myself there is no extra room to spare and I leave empty-handed. Packing light means supplementing my travel needs at local markets; what fun. Shopping locally is an adventure. Everyday products seem more exotic when the brands are unknown, and I must figure out the contents from the picture on the box. I often find something small yet intriguing that easily fits in my bag. Kitchen products are a favorite purchase as they remind me of my travels long after I’ve returned home. Washing dishes is somehow easier when I use the colorful dishcloths picked up in Madrid. Once while in Reykjavik, a small box of sea salt with beautiful artwork of a Nordic mermaid, worthy of framing, caught my eye. I brought it home. I have savored that salt in the ocean blue box. I will be saddened when those last few grains spill out of the box. The salt will be gone but my memories of Iceland will remain. If you would like to purchase this article for your publication, please click here to contact the author directly.