Travel Videos

Travel Videography Program

If you can learn to use the video function on your camera or phone, you can make short video clips that will literally fund trips all over the world.

Hotels want videos of their rooms.

Resorts want videos of their spa. Publishers want videos to illustrate their travel stories. And tourism boards want videos of the city.

Why shouldn’t you be the one to create those short, simple videos—and enjoy the free hotel stays and travel perks? 

travel videography course

Why you should be making short travel videos right now

travel video course

If you like the idea of travel writing but get stymied by the writing part, creating short travel videos could be the answer. With only a few words to identify the destination, your video can tell a story rich in detail and create a particular mood.

On the other hand, if you’re already enjoying success as a travel writer or photographer, adding video to the mix can result in an extra pay-check… while you’re there on the spot anyway.

Plus… the cost of entry is low. The camera you already have likely has video capabilities. You’ll need a tripod with a panning head to make sure your clips are smooth, but you can add music and special effects without buying any peripheral equipment.  

5 Quick Tips to Making a Great Travel Video

Take your time. The biggest mistake of beginners is to rush things when filming. You should record a shot for at least 20 seconds and leave 4 seconds at the beginning and 4 at the end without any movement. So if you don’t like your pan, you can still use those 4 seconds without any movement.

Pack spare batteries. You’ll notice very quickly that video uses much more battery power than shooting photos. So, if you only have one battery with you, then you’ll probably be done filming after about 30 minutes. Best to carry at least two extra batteries wherever you go.

Always use a tripod. when you’re shooting video, especially when filming landscapes and when panning. Exceptions: when filming a close-up or fast moving action like a bicycle or people running. Note: Don’t use a photography tripod for panning—they are not made for smooth movements. You’ll need a specific video tripod with a fluid pan-head.

Check your lens for dirt. It seems obvious, but it happens quickly and often that some dust or a smudge gets on your lens. Frequently check your lens for dirt before you start recording.

Pack spare batteries. You’ll notice very quickly that video uses much more battery power than shooting photos. So, if you only have one battery with you, then you’ll probably be done filming after about 30 minutes. Best to carry at least two extra batteries wherever you go.

When you learn the simple tricks it takes to make your travel videos look more professional than an amateur can create on their own, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is. Learn how you can get started with our program below.

Our Travel Videos Program

Because the barrier for entry is still low on this opportunity, even people with the cheapest equipment are finding success – and the tricks you need to make your videos look professional are pretty simple to learn.

With this program, you’ll discover:

  • Where to sell your videos for the best profits
  • How to get started with the equipment you already have, and a few new purchases (like a tripod and a wireless microphone) if you don’t have them
  • The difference between amateur videos and professional ones – the kind that earn between $500 and $4,000 apiece
  • How to travel around the world – Hawaii, Paris, Spain, Cambodia — and use these videos to fund your trips
  • How to edit your videos for sale
  • And more!

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“For my last adventure, a trip to Peru, I was comped about $3,000 toward my trip because I photographed and took videos of our group doing ceremonies and visiting sacred sites in gorgeous landscapes. The outfitter featured these on her website.

Videography appeals to me because it shows a more intimate relationship between people and place than a still photograph. It is also surprisingly easy to do with a camera or iPhone. I’m doing a lot of videography now when I travel!”

Melanie Wood

Travel Videos Experts

tom reissmann

Tom Reissmann