Creating Tours Program

If you’re the kind of person who loves to travel—and you’re relatively organized—then chances are you have what it takes to develop tours for fun and profit.

Benefits of Creating Tours for Fun

Your travel costs are covered. You get to take trips to places you love or have always wanted to go, and you get paid to share the experience with other folks who share your interests.

What’s more, you could make an extra $3,000 to $10,000 for your “trouble.”

Finding Your Niche

Bicycling Spain, Belgian Beer Festivals, Thai Songkran (New Year), Vietnamese Cuisine, Medical Tourism—anything can be a travel topic when you realize you don’t have to find huge numbers of people with the same interests.

Cynthia Morris, the creator of our program, runs tours to France that focus on cultural experiences. She says, “When I first came up with the idea of creating niche tours, all I really wanted was someone to pay me to go back to France every year.

“I imagined I’d create my own tour for fun. If all it ever did for me was bring in enough money to pay for my trip, I’d be a happy camper.

“But as it turns out, my first tour not only paid for my trip to France that year, but I had enough money left over to extend my stay for 2 weeks AND buy myself a brand new Macintosh laptop. 

“Since then, I’ve been addicted to the fun money. I profit between $3,000 and $10,000 on every tour—depending on where I want to go and what I want to do there.”

Creating a Niche Tour for Fun

  1. 1

    Generate ideas for a tour. Take a look at your hobbies and passions and see how you can develop a tour idea around those.

  2. 2

    Identify your participants. Develop a profile of your ideal participant. Where does she shop, what are her interests, what publications does she read, what would she get from joining your group?

  3. 3

    Write down some initial ideas on pricing. What’s the maximum you want to charge for your trip? That number will help you plan the activities you want to include.

  4. 4

    Develop your marketing plan. Your ability to promote your tour is the key to its success. You want to have strategies for online, in person, and public relations approaches to getting the word out.

  5. 5

    Design the content of your tour. What do you want people to take away from this experience? What is most important to you? And what elements do you need to have in place for that to happen?

Get started creating tours today. How about a yoga or golfing weekend in Tulum, a wine tasting tour of Tuscany, or antique shopping in Ireland? For the perfect introduction to creating and leading a tour that goes wherever it is you really want to go—from someone with years of real-life experience—check out our program below.

Our Creating Tours Program

You can turn your interests into free travel – and pocket $3,000 – $10,000 per trip – using the easy-to-follow blueprint revealed in this program.

With it, you’ll learn:

  •  How to flesh out your vision and plan your ideal tour, taking into account your personal preferences for where you want to travel and where your interests lie
  • How to develop an itinerary that’s fun for you and will have your participants coming back year after year
  • How to price the tour so that the cost is reasonable to participants and profitable for you
  • How to spread the news about your tour quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively
  • How to stay organized and juggle all the details without breaking a sweat
  • Simple things you can do to make each tour a stellar success

Or click here to learn more about the program.

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“Now, I find it very easy to put these adventures together … I love every minute of it!
And I’ve been able to afford to travel to many places I otherwise wouldn’t have, due to the cost of travel.
Just some of the wonderful places I’ve traveled to are Costa Rica … Malta, Capri, Tulum in Mexico … Wales … California … Turkey … and I have repeat customers now, which is wonderful!”

Jacqueline Douglas (on using Leading Tours for Fun and Profit)


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I can’t think of a more fun way to travel than to travel with your best friends.
If this is something that you want to do, just give it a try. Tour operators will help you if you’re not in the travel industry. They’ll do fliers for you, they’ll send out CDs, they want you to be successful too.

– Judy Gilbert

“Cynthia Morris suggests using her program like a mini-coaching session, which I did, and it paid off for me. In fact, all of her tips were extremely valuable in planning my Italian Sampler.”

– Kathy Scopin

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