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“Life is like a tapestry, on one side it’s beautiful and seamless and perfectly woven together. But when you flip it over it’s a jumble of strings. “- Metaphor inspired by Corrie Ten Boom

Jody Mayberry, host of Great Escape Radio, sits down with Lori Allen, to talk about what’s really involved in finding success with travel writing, photography or any new venture.

Lori tells the story of the funeral for a friend’s grandmother…

“This lady was extraordinary. She was well-known and loved by her community. Her family loved her…she had lived a truly extraordinary life. In describing her the preacher said, ‘Life is like a tapestry, on one side it’s beautiful and seamless and perfectly woven together. But when you flip it over it’s a jumble of strings’ – I love that metaphor because it is true about all successful people.

Celebrities look fabulous walking down the red carpet – but we don’t see the work the hair stylist, make-up artists and designers put into bringing that look together. The same is true of our workshop instructors and success stories.

It’s like an iceberg… what we see is about 20 percent of what’s there, it’s the other 80 percent underneath the water that really matters.”

People see the beautiful tapestry that someone has done and they want to take a short cut to get that tapestry for themselves. And while there is no substitute for hard work, you can work smarter, especially when getting started with travel writing or photography…

You can…

…Get feedback from a professional who is doing what you want to do

…Follow the path of a professional in your chosen field

Lori says, “There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. You don’t have to learn your camera and how to take better pictures all by yourself. There are classes and professionals who can help you.”

And it’s always important to remember these points from past episodes…

***Happiness is found in the process of being creative – something proven in studies based on the happiness attributed to various levels of income – it’s not all about the money.

***The process of learning to create photos, write stories, and even traveling to destinations to gain perspective is what makes the journey special.

***Putting one foot in front of the other is the key to becoming successful.

***It’s the journey from the start to the end that creates happiness.

“Often when people look at all the things we have to offer and on other websites, it’s overwhelming. It’s important to remember that life is a bundle of strings. Just getting started is the key – it doesn’t matter where you end up, just do SOMETHING!”

You can start creating your own tapestry today with travel writing, by visiting this link: There you’ll find a video about Great Escape Publishing’s most successful members, how they got started and how you can model their success.

Listen to a new podcast every Sunday in iTunes by subscribing for free here.

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