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“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets planning.”—Thomas Edison

Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen talk about the recent Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop in St. Louis, Missouri.

Lori shares her thoughts on the event…

“This was our 174th live event and I think it may be my favorite one yet!”

From the outstanding staff at the Chase Park Plaza where the workshop was held to the enthusiastic attendees, the event was a huge success.

YouTube sensation and photographer Nigel Danson and National Geographic photographer Jad Davenport joined the already spectacular line up of presenters. Both were very popular with the attendees. They even had Lori taking notes during their presentations.

Listen in as Lori shares more about the workshop and other live events presented by us.

Next year’s event will be in Alexandria, Virginia in the Spring so it’s possible the attendees could catch the annual cherry blossoms.  

The next event coming up is the Ultimate Travel Writers Workshop which will be held in Little Rock, Arkansas in September. Tickets are on sale now.

For more information about our events, visit

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