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“You will never change your life until you change something that you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”—John C. Maxwell

Host, Jody Maberry talks with Noreen Kompanik who is celebrating her 400th published article.

Noreen spent 34 years in nursing before transitioning into travel writing. In just over four years, she’s written and published 400 articles. She’s often asked how she does it.

Noreen’s philosophy is “a little progress every day might not seem like a lot, but it leads to big results.”

Her secret to success lies in her daily practices…

…she’s committed to being a travel writer every single day

…she always carries a notebook

…she connects and reconnects with others in the industry

…she’s committed to continuous learning

Listen in as Noreen shares how she manages these practices and gives other tips for creating your own successful travel writing career. She also shares some of her favorite destinations and even a favorite article.

Noreen pioneered our Travel Writer’s Café which provides a supportive network for new travel writers. If you want to learn more about the Travel Writer’s Café there’s a special offer for podcast listeners to join in here:

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How To Become A Travel Writer – The Easy Way

Easy Steps To Landing Your First Byline As A Travel Writer

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22 Travel Story Ideas To Get You Published

10 Reasons To Become A Travel Writer

5 Tips to Get Started Travel Writing From Home

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