A full-time job and a guaranteed paycheck every two weeks. That’s real security, right? I used to think so. Until my employer downsized and let me go.
In one moment, everything changed. What could I do?
After a little time, my wife and I learned about a freelance opportunity called microgigs through Great Escape Publishing where you could do all these fun things for cash – and she knew how much I liked drawing.
“Why don’t you sell your comic book as a microgig?” my wife encouraged. “People are selling products this way, too. Not just services.”
Drawing comic book art is my hobby. I’ve created characters, story lines, and I’ve always wanted to make money from my ideas. But up until now, drawing was only something I did for fun in my spare time.
So I tried selling my comic book. But instead, something else happened… people started showing interest in paying me to draw their comic book character ideas.
Cowboys. Robots. Futuristic soldiers. Spaceships. Superheroes. Even a Microgig Man superhero for Lori!
I like drawing to bring in extra helpful income. And I’m grateful that something I’ve always enjoyed doing — drawing comic book art — is my best-selling gig.
One of my repeat customers is a pastor. He had an idea for a Christian comic that he could use to inspire people and connect with a younger generation. Both my wife and I have a strong spiritual connection. To earn supplemental income creating Christian art is a great feeling. Plus, each time he buys now, he places a $40 order!
I have only been creating microgigs for a short time, but I’m excited about the income possibilities. And, although I’ve returned to another “traditional” job in the hotel industry, I now only work four nights a week as a night auditor. What’s more, working at night means there are usually slower periods in my shift because the hotel is quieter.
So, I’m able to use this downtime to draw for my gig orders. And, the money I earn is helping to top up my bank account and keep me interested in the freelance world.
In fact, now that I’ve had a taste of the freedom freelancing has given me, I want more of it.
Soon, I’ll combine a few things together (like blogging) with microgigs to generate a full-time living. That’s what I’m working toward. As long as I keep following the advice I’ve learned through Great Escape Publishing, I know I can make it happen.
It’s only a matter of time then, before I’m earning the income I need to freelance full-time from home – or on the go as my wife, pets, and I explore Ontario in our travel trailer. Eventually, we’ll explore other provinces in Canada. And, beyond Canada, New York City’s Central Park is on the top of our U.S. pet travel list!