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I’ve been talking quite a bit this week about our upcoming Photography and Spanish Immersion Expedition coming up next month in Ecuador. That trip is now SOLD OUT, but if you’re interested in attending and you missed out, I’ll include details about our February program below. Today, I stumbled upon another fun way to brush up on your language skills—and end world hunger at the same time. It’s called You answer simple vocabulary questions in the language of your choice (English, French, Spanish, Italian, or German) and for each right answer, the World Food Program donates ten grains of rice to help end world hunger. I don’t usually pass along game websites like this.  But we’ve been talking about learning a second language a lot this week and  I like what the people at are doing. They’ve donated over 80 billion grains of rice since they began their effort in 2007. And rice has been distributed in Uganda, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar to name a few. The donated rice has fed refugees, pregnant women, school children, and those affected by natural disasters. You can check out their website here: More details about our February program are below… –Lori Lori Allen Director, Great Escape Publishing *********** ECUADOR IN FEBRUARY: *********** Ecuador Travel Writing and Spanish Immersion Expedition Cotacachi, Ecuador, February 5-12, 2010 Travel with a professional travel writer through the color-rich markets and artisan towns of welcoming Ecuador… AND learn how to make your next trip pay for itself! Over five colorful, adventure-filled days, you’ll learn: • Step-by-step, how to turn a travel experience into a PUBLISHABLE PIECE… and then how you can actually get what you’ve written into print… and get paid for it… • How to become a more observant traveler… and more potent writer… • Where to find REAL PUBLICATIONS LOOKING FOR YOUR ARTICLES…and exactly how to successfully pitch them your ideas… • The little-known techniques travel writers use to LAND AMAZING PERKS like concert tickets… meals… vacations… and more… without paying a dime… • How you can have the TIME, ADVENTURE, AND FREEDOM you’re looking for as a freelance travel writer… All this while getting hands-on practice applying your new skills while you explore one of Latin America’s most colorful, friendly, and welcoming countries. You’ll spend part of each day out and about in Ecuador.  And the other part in the classroom learning how to put your experiences into saleable travel articles. You’ll also experience Dr Lozanov’s breakthrough “Super Thinking” technique and get the opportunity to learn Spanish in six days while you explore the Ecuadorian countryside and visit traditional markets and villages, practicing your new Spanish skills along the way. “SUPER THINKING” is a Bulgarian learning technique that pairs the musical tempo found in certain Baroque music to a formula that will automatically “convert” thousands of English words into Spanish. No memorization required. When the UNESCO did a study of Dr. Lozanov’s “Super Thinking” in the late 1970’s, they found it effective and advised that it be used the world over. And now you have the rare opportunity to try it for yourself. When you join us in Ecuador this February 5-12, 2011, you’ll have a great time and walk away with the know-how to submit travel articles to magazines, newspapers, and websites around the world… a new Spanish vocabulary (and a learning process you can use to learn other new skills)… new friends… and a special appreciation for the wonderful country of Ecuador. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]