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April 3 – 5, 2020
Alexandria, VA
Coming Soon

More Details Coming Soon

If you’ve ever dreamed of turning your passion for photography into a lifestyle… If you long for the freedom to set your own hours… travel whenever you please… and wake up every morning LOVING what you do… … and if you want to do all of this AND make a good income… then join us in Alexandria, VA, this coming April 3-5, for the best, most efficient, most fun way to start living the photographer’s life. Join our experts in person, and in just three days, I guarantee: You’ll not only have a wonderful time… but you’ll come away with the skills you need to sell your images to magazines, newspapers, online stock agencies, and photo buyers around the world. You’ll even walk away with some of the photos you need to get started, right there in your hands. Join us at The Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop and you’ll:
  • See why photography is one of the best-paying, most rewarding ways to make money on the internet – something you can do for fun, on your own schedule, and without a big investment in gear.
  • The one thing other photography courses never tell you – it’s not the prettiest pictures that sell. Great photos go unsold every day while ugly photos sell in droves. Discover what you need to know about this ginormous photography marketplace and how to cash in by selling simple, easy-to-shoot photos.
  • Learn the single, easy, lucrative secret to selling your images online. You don’t do ANY marketing. They sell themselves 24 hours a day, even while you sleep. And they can be photos of anything from your houseplant to the Eiffel Tower.
  • Learn about Lifestyle design: How to balance time and money so you’re earning the most from the least amount of work.
  • Get the fast, simple formula to attract more buyers, almost magnetically. It’s all in how you describe your images. We’ll hand you the “keywording tool” that works like magic. It’s fast. It’s easy. And it’s automatic.
  • Find out how to sell simple travel photographs to magazines and newspapers. You decide where you want to go – getting spa treatments in Bali, skiing in Utah, shopping in Paris – and we’ll show you how to turn pictures from your trip into money in your pocket.
  • Come away with the know-how to create photos you can sell the very next day. Try your hand at travel photography and spend a half-day out and about “on assignment” while you explore the neighborhoods and attractions of Alexandria. You’ll learn exactly what it takes to create saleable images and how to sell them—a proven system you can replicate on your own when you return home.
  • Get real-time feedback on your photos in our group review sessions. You’ll quickly see from our team of professional photographers and photo editors exactly what makes for a good photograph. You’ll find out why those glossy magazine photos always look so stunning and how you can tweak yours to have the same effect.
  • Find out how your hometown, your pets, your kids, your vacations, even the weather in your hometown can all be photo goldmines. And discover how (even in your spare time) you can take $200 – $700 photographs right in your own back yard.
  • Learn where to start: Discover what photo buyers want from beginner photographers like you. Skip the “guessing game” of what buyers want, save time, and find out exactly how to succeed from the get-go.
Join us in Alexandria this coming spring, and you’ll learn not just everything you need to get started… but everything you need to set yourself up on a path to success for a photographer’s lifetime of freedom, adventure, and profits, including…
  • The skills you need to take saleable photos, even if you’re just starting out and don’t know what all the buttons on your camera do…
  • Hands-on experience, with the opportunity to learn one-on-one with our photography experts. This is great for beginners and experienced photographers alike…
  • A proven income plan, with specific steps you can follow and no guesswork
  • A plan for growth – you’ll be part of our community, so as your skills grow over time you can continue to share tips and ideas with fellow photographers, keep up with the latest trends in the market, and grow your new income even more…

Activity Level: Low.

Our meetings take place in conference rooms at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites in Old Town Alexandria


There are no prerequisites for this workshop. This workshop is for people of all skill levels and experience and the concepts discussed are doable by anyone.


Shelly Perry, from Portland, Oregon, specializes in stock photography. Her images have been seen all over the globe on music CD covers, books, magazines, catalogs, websites, ad campaigns, and even on TV. Two thirds of our photography success stories are thanks to Shelly. Now she’s back by popular demand… Shelly earns more money in online stock agencies with a small portfolio than others earn with their very large collections of images, Shelly will tell you her secret for getting the most bang for your buck and why you should avoid wasting your time on images that won’t sell. Daniel Nahabedian is a freelance travel and cultural photographer. In 2008, Daniel bought his first camera and within one year became a full-time photographer. Currently living in Granada, Spain, Daniel speaks five languages and has lived all over the world including France and Thailand. His work has appeared in Travel+EscapeAsiaRoomsSmithsonian magazine, National Geographic website, Matador Network and more. In Alexandria, he’ll talk about his journey from no-income photographer to travel photographer and show you how to do the same. If you aren’t sure you have what it takes to really make a go of photography… Daniel has been there and knows exactly the advice and skills you need to pick up. He’s also known for his amazing way of creating magic with light—and he’ll take to the main stage to teach you how to do the same this year. Bonnie Caton is the creator of the Breakfast Stock Club. She started as a writer wanting to take photos to accompany her travel articles but today she sells more photos than she does articles. And because she was in your shoes just four years ago, she knows exactly what kinds of lessons you need – how to be a scaredy-cat photographer and still make a sale… how to understand light and your camera… the easiest way to learn it all in a single weekend… and more. She’s got a secret for pulling in $500 a day (or more) from your photography—and she’ll show you how she’s used that secret to earn $10,000 from photography in the last 12 months – this income was earned in her spare time, since she already has a full-time job here at Great Escape Publishing! Joe Sindorf is an award-winning photographer and international humanitarian filmmaker who has worked in more than 75 nations of the world. His work normally takes him to places where people are at their worst — in the aftermath of major natural disasters; surviving famine or drought; and suffering intense injustice. His still photographs have been published in National Geographic Traveler, Outside, American Photo, World and Professional Photographer among others. His video work has won international film festivals, the NATAS Emmy Award, the George Foster Peabody Award (commonly referred to as the Pulitzer Prize for Television) and others. Joe is currently earning 14 times more income from his video stock footage than he is from his stills of exactly the same scene. He’ll show you exactly how that’s done, so you can work on collecting video clips with your camera or smartphone in addition to still photographs. And many more…


  • Three full days of info-packed sessions in the classroom, out in the field, and in photo review sessions.
  • Marketing advice from professional photographers like Shelly Perry, Bonnie Caton, Daniel Nahabedian, Joe Sindorf, and others.
  • Special cocktail parties each night where you’ll have a chance to meet and mingle with the experts and your fellow photographers.
  • Hands-on photo and video shooting out-and-about in Alexandria… no experience required.
  • Group photo review sessions where you’ll get feedback on your work from professionals in the field.
  • Marketing advice about where and how to sell your photos for fun income.
  • A special group lunch (on us!) on the last day of the workshop.
  • Personal assistance throughout the program from our staff.
  • Hot breakfast and coffee breaks daily.
  • Lifetime access to workshop presentations from every class session, so that you can review what you learn in your favorite chair at home.
  • Lifetime access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions, share travel plans, meet one another before the event, and stay connected post-event… (some attendees have said access to this group after the event is worth the entire cost of the workshop!)
  • Pre-event guidance from Great Escape Publishing Staff including what to expect, what to pack for the weather, equipment list, and travel tips.
  • And more…

The workshop does NOT include:

  • Air travel to and from Alexandria, VA
  • Transfer to and from the airport in Alexandria
  • Overnight accommodation

Hotel Discount:

We have arranged for a special discounted group rate of $149/night at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites in Old Town Alexandria, VA (625 1st St. Alexandria, VA 22314) Cancellation Policy: The Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop is nonrefundable. If, however, you are unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances, we will be happy to apply your payment toward a future workshop minus a $100 processing fee if you give us at least 30 days’ notice. Refunds to your credit card are not possible. The details aren’t set and the plans aren’t complete, but if you add your name to our First Alert List and show interest in going with us, you’ll get a big discount on your seat. There’s no obligation to putting your name on this list.  You’ll simply be alerted as details become more finalized for the trip.

More details coming soon!