Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Indulging in Turin’s Chocolate Culture

Crowned with its baroque arcades and surrounded by snowcapped Alpine peaks visible from its regal piazzas, Turin has a delectable chocolate culture rivaling that of Belgium and Switzerland, with one notable difference — no massive crowds of tourists. Both milk and dark chocolate are eaten and drunk in Turin with equal vigor by anybody in the know, which is primarily the Turinese themselves.

Man Overboard — How I Survived a Whitewater Rafting Adventure in Colorado’s Royal Gorge

I along with some 45 rafting enthusiasts had gathered at the headquarters of Raft Masters, a whitewater rafting outfit with a fine reputation for safety and service that has been in operation for over 25 years. We were issued wetsuits, splash jackets, and river boots and given a 10-minute safety talk. The talk included paddling techniques, the position to take when hitting rapids, what to do if the raft capsizes and how to get back in, and what to do if one falls overboard.

5 Reasons to Vacation in Cozumel!

If you are looking to vacation in the Caribbean, there are many destinations to choose from. Most have beautiful beaches, clear water, and plenty of sunshine, so how do you choose? Well, what are you looking for? I believe islands are like people, and they all have different personalities. What makes Cozumel so special? Personality, comfort, great service, and yes, food!

Interactive Journey Back in Time: Arlington House Museum, Barbados

Welcome to Arlington House Museum, a uniquely interactive foray into Barbadian life — past and present. Beautifully restored and converted from its original establishment as a prominent ship chandler, the three-story single-gabled structure (classic 17th-century-style Barbadian architecture) boasts engaging virtual displays and interactive exhibits to present the story of Barbados, starting from its geological beginnings. The museum’s location in Speightstown, St. Peter (Barbados’s northern hub of commercial activity) is an important feature throughout the exhibit, highlighting the town’s significance as a thriving port at the time.