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Calling a Forest Fire Tower Home

There is so much to explore and so many ways to do it, through hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, skiing, camping, and various other outdoor activities. But have you ever thought about staying in an active forest fire tower? Through a reservation one can rent and stay at an active forest fire lookout tower during the off seasons. This is a unique getaway experience and grants spectacular views of the surrounding wilderness.

A Night in Orlando

There are times while at Walt Disney World when you need to escape the kids and the rides and the furry animals, and go out on the town. There are some great places to do that in Orlando, but it might take some planning, so listen up.

Endless Summers Begin Here: Macao Surf Club, Dominican Republic

Learning to surf makes golf seem simple. If you have ever played golf, you know that this is a very strong statement. Kids make it look easy. But anyone who did not grow up surfing will attest to how difficult it can be to balance yourself on a long, slippery piece of fiberglass as it slides down the face of a wave. If you did not learn to surf in your youth, I suggest you take lessons. A gentle beach like Macao in the eastern Dominican Republic is the perfect place for you to begin your endless summer.

Five Reasons to Visit Málaga

Long seen as simply a transport hub for tourists heading to destinations and resorts along Spain’s Costa del Sol, the southern Andalusian city of Málaga has, in the past, been unkindly referred to as an “airport with a city attached.” This is a real shame as Spain’s sixth largest city has plenty to offer anyone looking for an alternative to the more popular Spanish destinations of Barcelona, Madrid, or Seville. Here are five reasons to consider a visit.