Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

An Early Dip

By Holly Brega Stumbling around in the dark without waking any of the 10 sleeping travellers was a little harder than I expected. I was impressed with myself for packing my rucksack the night before, as it would now be close to impossible. Stepping over bags, guitars, and beer bottles without disturbing a soul was […]

Stop In for a Drink and Grub in Park City, Utah’s Historic High West Distillery & Saloon

By Melissa Jones ITWPA Member“When you work hard all day with your head and know you must work again the next day what else can change your ideas and make them run on a different plane like whiskey?” — Ernest HemingwayNext time you’re in Park City, Utah, be sure to hit a local favorite watering […]

The Road Less Traveled: Londolozi, South Africa

By Bina JosephOf all the elements associated with Africa, the ethnic names of people, places, and things have to be the most evocative. Other-worldly, polysyllabic, ineffably musical and mysterious, they immediately invoke mind-pictures of impala gamboling through rolling savannah, the surround sound symphony of indigenous avian twitter, and fierce, blazing, purple and flame-colored sunsets over […]