The French Quarter’s More Mellow Cousin
If it’s your first visit to Frenchmen Street, you can easily sample a handful of spots — all intimate in size and sound and all within a three-block stretch.
If it’s your first visit to Frenchmen Street, you can easily sample a handful of spots — all intimate in size and sound and all within a three-block stretch.
Due to the dangers of sailing on Lake Michigan, upon reaching the safety of the dock, sailors started a tradition of carving their names and those of their boats into the side of the warehouse to leave a mark that they were there or to let their loved ones know they were safe.
The paintings you think you see in this outdoor venue aren’t really paintings at all. Each of the Masters’ reincarnations is actually populated by people who are standing very still.
Our first “wow, that was a cool cowboy moment” occurred on day two. We had set out to check the herd in one of the ranch’s six massive pastures and weren’t five minutes along when a limping calf was spotted which needed to be cut from the others, roped, and checked.
In between bites, Pang provided information about the differences in food from Central, North, Northeast, and Southern Thailand; Central tends to be sweet, Southern fiery, North herbaceous, and Northeast simple and spicy. She also shared a bit of history about the neighborhood we visited. For example, Bangrak can be loosely translated as Village of Love, but it also served as a major shipping port in the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of the restaurants we patronized have been in the same building for decades. Panlee Bakery, for example, is located on Charoen Krung, the first road in Bangkok; until it was constructed in the 1860s, canals and the Chao Phraya river provided all transportation.