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Misadventures with Chinese Cucumbers

I’m eyeing my dinner, and all appetite has vanished. Faced with a plate of chunky brown objects, yours might vanish too. Stippled with warts, these culinary relations of what could easily be A Thing From Outer Space have a shudderingly slippery texture. In fact, they’re so slithery it’s almost impossible to capture one with chopsticks …

Water Adventures in Cabo San Lucas, Where the Sea of Cortez Meets the Pacific Ocean

I’m terrible at golf, not much better at tennis and I would rather spend an afternoon at the dentist than shop. If you’re anything like me, you’ll like Cabo San Lucas. At the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula, where the Sea of Cortez meets the Pacific Ocean, the sun shines 350 days a year. It’s weather best enjoyed in the water …

Spelunking, Light: The Allure of Luray Caverns, Deep Beneath Virginia's Shenandoah Valley

The walkway spiraled deeper into the enormous cavern. We strolled from one softly lit chamber to another, awestruck by the magnificence:  Titania’s Veil, a shimmering white formation of pure calcite; Pluto’s Chasm, an underground rift that spans the length of nearly two footballs fields and rises to a height of almost ten stories …