Five Punctuation Tricks for Travel Writers
Punctuation, says one newspaper style guide, is “a courtesy designed to help readers to understand a story without stumbling.”
Punctuation, says one newspaper style guide, is “a courtesy designed to help readers to understand a story without stumbling.”
Pitching a whole bunch of article suggestions to an editor is definitely a bad ideas. For starters, a well-thought-out query letter shouldn’t really be any longer than a page.
An Interview with Great Escape Publishing’s attendee Maigii Sterling in Toronto, Canada. Read how a never-before-published travel writer sold 3 articles in less than 8 weeks. Get right down to it. Do not procrastinate.
By John Forde in Paris, France The more you travel, the more you realize it pays to travel light. The good news for travel writers is that you don’t need much equipment to get by. (And of course, you’re most important writing tool resides between your ears!) Just the same, I get asked all the […]
New Year signals the start of a five-month period that I think of as the Window-of-Opportunity Sprint. If you’re serious about accomplishing your objectives, you had better come out of the starting gate fast on Monday, January 3 — and keep going at full speed through at least the end of May.
The descriptions that editors like — the ones they pay for — are those that paint pictures so vivid, readers see and feel and taste right along with the writer.
ADVICE ON ORGANIZING By Freelance Travel Writers Jennifer Stevens, Steenie Harvey, John Forde, and Lori Appling FROM JENNIFER STEVENS When I travel I keep a 1-gallon Ziploc back in my suitcase and throw everything I pick up into it — business cards, menus, brochures, etc. It’s handy. When I get home I make a file […]
Your goal as a professional travel writer is to sell the articles you write. But doing that — selling your stories — requires more than simply writing “good” or even “great” articles.
By Karen Pevenstein Pre- and post-trip research doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) painful. The trick is knowing where to look. The internet makes this a piece of cake. I used many of these links in preparing for my trip to Yorktown, VA, and suggest you do the same before your next trip. Here […]
Interview with Travel Writing Student F.Larosse