Holiday Tip #12: Find the Best Seat on the Plane
Today’s travel holiday tip is on getting the best seats on the plane.
Today’s travel holiday tip is on getting the best seats on the plane.
You’ll get past airport security a lot faster if you shave with paper. Paper shaving cream, that is. We all know that you have to carry your liquids in a quart-size Ziploc bag in order to get through airport security these days. But did you know that there are companies out there now turning traditional […]
I was thinking about you last week when I was in South Florida. I had to rent a car to get from the airport to my hotel and I had heard that if you simply ask for a free upgrade at the rental-car counter, you’re likely to get one. I tried it. And sure enough, […]
How to beat procrastination and nerves so you can sell your stories. Do what Bonnie does and get paid for your stories.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: Unfortunately this site no longer exists.] Though we’ve covered a wide variety of publications where you can get your first clips published, it’s not often that we talk about places to send already-published stories. Syndicates are a valuable resource to you once you’re a little more established as a writer, offering exposure — […]
This article discusses the middle gray setting on your camera, how it affects the light in your photos, and how you can adjust the settings on your camera to fix any over/under-exposure of the subjects of your images.
FEATURED PUBLICATION: Budget Travel – 10th Anniversary Special Issue
Insider Travel Tips to Help You Make the Most of Every Trip By Jackie Flynn in Waterford, Ireland NWA WorldTraveler magazine is the monthly in-flight magazine for Northwest Airlines. Although NWAWT doesn’t publish Writer’s Guidelines, according to editor, Olivia Herstein, this is not intended to discourage new writers. Some of the Features section stories are […]
Editors change things. Usually for the better. But sometimes they introduce errors.
A By-Line and Up to $500 through Transitions Abroad’s Contest Started in 1977 by international college studies advisor Clay Hubbs, Transitions Abroad is a magazine for travelers who like to live and work, study, or volunteer abroad. Folks who like to really experience a place and get a feel for its people. The editors like […]