All You Can Jet: One Month of Unlimited Travel for $599
All You Can Jet: Find out how to get one month of unlimited travel on Jet Blue for only $599…
All You Can Jet: Find out how to get one month of unlimited travel on Jet Blue for only $599…
Alaska Airlines Magazine is 75 percent freelance-written. Here’s how to get published…
Credit card churning: Tips on how you can work your credit card so it works for you (like earn airline miles). It’s legal, and easy to do. Here’s how…
Reselling travel articles: Travel writer Roy Stevenson provides insight and tips for making more money from your articles while working less.
Demotix: At Demotix, amateur snappers as well as professionals can upload their newsworthy photos to sell to the media. Read more here…
Recycle wine corks: What comes from tree bark, flies through the air, then turns into a floor tile? A champagne cork, of course!
Buttons as earring holders: use buttons to keep your earrings secure. Simply put the earring post trough the button hole, as you can see here…
A free press trip to Borneo and other perks convert “non-believer” into a true travel writer.
At Birder’s World Magazine, the pay is good, the pages are beautiful, and you don’t have to be a bird enthusiast to get your stories published here.
When it comes to writing for in-flight magazines (or any magazine really), use the “rule of thumb” like these examples from Delta Sky Magazine…